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Road Roller

Product code: 4.60002 SKU manufacturer: 8594988 60002 1 Code of supplier: 8594988 60002 1
1 250,00 Kč
1 016,26 Kč without VAT
In stock

The road roller is a construction machine designed for compaction of road surfaces. Its working tool is the so-called drum roller – steel roller. The Czech folk term for this is „kulidlo“.

Let’s go and try the compaction on your mother’s carpet with our road roller.


Detailed Description

The 1927 retro road roller of 1:43 scale, made of printed metal sheet will remind you of your childhood. Do you want to show it to your children? Get them this original tin toy, which comes from traditional Czech production.
The movement of this toy allows the clockwork wound up with a key. A special mechanism allows the roller switch between going forward and backwards.
A road roller is a toy that will grab the hearts of many dads and grandfathers. Their memories of the old days spent by playing together make them smile even today.

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